Jeffrey K. McKee

Home Page 

Explore a world of palaeoanthropology, evolutionary theory, human ecology, and scientific common sense. 



  Sometime in 2012, the earth's human population reached 7 billion people.  That is more than twice the number of people on the planet when I was born (not that long ago, in 1958.)   As of 2022, we add nearly 227,000 people to the planet a day (net gain) and are soon to reach 8 billion people possibly by November 15th, 2022. We are having trouble taking care of ourselves ... but who will spare nature the consequences, while our human numbers spiral out of sustainability?  


Sparing Nature is available in paperback.

 Paleoanthropology:    Taung fossil site  / Makapansgat fossil site / Understanding Human Evolution   / Backward Running
 Evolutionary Theory:  The Riddled Chain   / Riddled Chain FAQs and OGAs
 Human Ecology:  Population and Environment Sparing Nature 
Other: Books by JKM  / PEER fund / Non-science / Public Lectures / Reprints /Music /  JKM contact & credentials 


Now available:

The complete source for the Taung centennial is at:


Next event: February 7, 100th anniversary of Raymond Dart's publication of the Taung juvenile skull in Nature

(Lucy credit CMNH)


NEWSWORTHY and Noteworthy:    

Current major project

In 2007 I began a journey of faith and science with an a panel discussion entitled The Intersection of Faith and Evolution - A Civil Dialogue. A decade later I started writing a book about how it is not only possible, but fruitful as well, to hold both scientific and supernatural views. The working title of the book is Divine Reconciliation - The Crossroads of Science and Faith.



Charles Darwin

Thomas Henry Huxley

Wyatt Earp

The views expressed on this private web-site do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer, The Ohio State University.  But there is often a strong positive correlation.